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  • vyasanagarmunicipality@gmail.com

About Vyasanagar Municipality

A small market at the center of a few villages on the periphery was named dolipur in the days gone by. In 1877 it gots connected to the railway on its Howrah, Madras main line and with it came the down of the new era, The famous Maa Biraja Temples of Jajpur and the district Head Quarter of Keonjhar got connected for railway from the point and hence the name Jajpur Keonjhar Road, But much before all this an importants historical pond named Vyasa Sarobara at a distance of about 2 K.M from the station was already their. A popular annual fair or mela was already in vague for about last one thousand year. The famous writer of Mahabhart Grantha Maharsi Sri Vyasadev who was born in and ice land in the lap of the holy Yamuna had for born time stayed here in the course of his pan – India tour. It is said on of the discriples of the grate maharsi Vysadev Sri Sri Raghuji Gosain started this mela to connonorate the grate event of his guru stay here in every year in due course many institution like Vyasanagar College, Vyasanagar High School , Vyasanagar Primary School and like came up in this small town – in new of etc. This the political leader intellectual and persons from legal and other professions got together successfully to give the perfect name Vyasanagar to this town of Dolipur or usually called Jajpur Road, since 2007 with the combined efforts of the Vyasanagar Municipality employees the then employer, district collector and superintend police this Vyasa Sarobar mela has been re – christened as Vyasa Sarobar Mahotsav and has became much more popular and attractive. The town is now in the process of unprecedented growth because of a cluster of industrial coming up around if and may be in the near future it becames one of the biggest industrial cities of India along with it this grand change over from Vyasa Sarobar Mela to Vyasa Mahostav is definitely going to put this town on the cultural map of odisha in a bigway.